Thursday, September 9, 2010

Goodbye Chicago, Hello Seattle

I have a love-hate relationship with the season of life that Tim and I are in right now. Mostly love, only a little hate. The part I’m not liking about this transition time is saying goodbye to all the people I love here in Wheaton. Over the past four years they’ve shaped who I’m becoming and I could not be more grateful for that. The love part involves so many things – doing life with the person who knows me best, having an adventure where I don’t know what’s on the next page of the story, and especially feeling loved and supported by family and friends to pursue what I’m passionate about.

We’re headed to Seattle because I have an internship opportunity waiting for me there with Sarah and Chris Rhoads. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since last November and I’m so thankful for the chance to learn from two people I respect in many ways. Actually getting to do this internship hinges upon Tim and I being able to find work in Seattle to pay the bills :) We’ve been living with our dear friends here in Wheaton while searching for work in Seattle, and God has just opened up a door for us to stay in a friend’s house and job search “on location.” We’d love your prayers that once we’re there we can quickly find work and an apartment so I can begin training with Sarah and Chris!

Although I hate saying goodbye, I’m so grateful that our transition from one side of the country to the other has been filled with an abundance of family and friends. These are a few snapshots from our time in North Carolina, Maryland, and Illinois.

1 comment:

  1. This Wheaton friend loves you guys and misses you already! So excited for this new phase. Praying for you :-)
