Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wedding Albums

Lately I’ve been working on several album designs for brides and grooms from this past summer. In between traveling to various libraries and coffee shops to use their internet and apply for jobs, designing albums is a life-giving thing to occupy my time with! As I’m learning how to use InDesign, I’m discovering that I love retelling the story of each couple’s wedding day in storybook form. I imagine their children and grandchildren enjoying the photos one day, and also asking questions like, “Mom, was that dress seriously in style?” and “Dad, what kind of haircut was that??” :)

My hope is that these wedding albums serve as a reminder for each couple of the commitment they have made to one another and a day that all their family & friends were celebrating with them. During the hard seasons of marriage, they can look back on their wedding photographs, not as an escape from the present, but as a way of grounding them and reminding them why they’ve committed to do life together.

Hope you enjoy a little of Jon & Lily and my first wedding album design!

Feel free to click on the page spreads to see them full-sized.


  1. Nice work, girl! Let me know if you have any InDesign questions along the way!

  2. This is great - you're very talented!

  3. Would getting married for the sole purpose of having you shoot my wedding, be a bad idea, do you think?
