Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waiting with expectation

This morning I realized that Tim and I have been in Washington exactly two months today. It’s kinda hard to believe it’s taken that long to get to where we are now, but it also seems like we’ve been here a lot longer than that. When I try to explain to other people why Tim and I moved out here it’s often difficult to find the right words. Why? …Because God opened a door. And we stepped through it. And we waited. Sometimes patiently and sometimes not. But we waited with expectation.

We read this last night and it speaks better than my own words do:

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” –Psalm 130:5-6

“The long watches of the night, through which soldiers guard cities and shepherds watch over flocks, are compared with the wait of the soul before God. It is not the waiting of indolence, but of alertness. Waiting is vigilance plus expectation; it is wide awake to God.” (Praying with the Psalms by Eugene Peterson)

On the point of waiting…I’ve been waiting lately to hear back from Starbucks. The manager who originally offered me a position back in October has been really helpful in trying to get another store to hire me since that opening is filled now. She offered to speak with the other store managers in the district directly and follow up with an email, but I didn’t hear anything back right away, so I gave her another call. She was so frustrated that no one had contacted me that she offered to speak to them again and let them know that we had a great interview and that someone should hire me…It worked! Yesterday I was called for a pseudo-interview, I went in this morning and was offered a position before the interview was over! I’m so thankful that the Lord provides and honestly I’m very thankful to be in a position where we need him to provide for us each day. It’s humbling, and teaching me a LOT. But I’m thankful.

These are a few photos that Tim and I have taken during a couple afternoons exploring our new home :)

Seattle is beautiful. In case the pictures didn't tell you so.


  1. YES - congrats on the job - love the fall colors

  2. Asharae is beautiful. In case the pictures didn't tell you.

    (You too, Tim!)
